Memories of Vera from Keith Duffelen

Created by Richard 10 years ago
Over 50 years ago I was a Deacon of St. John’s Congregational Church, in Thornton Heath, Surrey, during the Rev. Eric Allen’s first ministry, and also on the Deaconate was Jim Cox. I admired them both immensely because they seemed to me to be real Christian role models, and Vera in particular was such a serene person. I remember one time when they had booked a holiday, (something in those days which was a rarer occurrence than now), and one of you boys - I think it was you Richard - contracted chicken pox and the holiday had to be cancelled. Next Sunday I saw Vera in church, and expressed my sorrow at such bad luck, but she just smiled and said how lucky they were to have you both: a cancelled holiday was of little account. Her effect on me has not diminished in all those years, and the mention of her has brought some happy memories back to me. I have no doubt there will be many at the thanksgiving service celebrating the life of a quietly remarkable person. I shall be with you in thought. Keith Duffelen December 2013